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Welcome to wanderer

wanderer is a self-hosted trail database. You can upload your recorded GPS tracks or create new ones and add various metadata to build an easily searchable catalogue.

Mockups of wanderer on laptop, tablet and phone


Manage your trails

Upload your trails from multiple file formats (like GPX or TCX) or plan a new trail directly in wanderer with the route drawing tool.

Learn more →

Advanced filters and search

wanderer comes with extensive filter and search functionality right out of the box, so you can focus only on the trails relevant to you.

Automatic import

Simply upload all your trails in one go with wanderer’s automatic import feature.

Learn more →

Full API support

Use wanderer’s API to interact with your trail data directly and automate the tasks you don’t want to do manually.

API reference →

Privacy friendly

wanderer is self-hosted and open-source. Your data stays on your machine and your machine only.


We currently support 8 different languages, with plans to add more in the near future.


Help is welcome at any time. Check out the GitHub repository. to get started. If you are not sure where you can help, check the roadmap for features in the backlog. If you would like to contribute a translation, you can do so here.

Support wanderer

wanderer is a passion project and will always stay free and open-source. If you like wanderer and want to support it’s development you can make a small donation and buy me a coffee.