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Local development

If you would like to set up a development environment on your own machine to work on wanderer please first follow the bare-metal installation steps in the installation guide. We will slightly modify the launch script to launch a node server in development mode instead:

Terminal window
trap "kill 0" EXIT
export ORIGIN=http://localhost:5173
export MEILI_URL=
cd search && ./meilisearch --master-key $MEILI_MASTER_KEY &
cd db && ./pocketbase serve &
cd web && npm run dev &

This will bring up a meilisearch instance on, a PocketBase instance on, and a vite server for the wanderer frontend on http://localhost:5173.

Accessing the backend

Sometimes it can be useful to edit data directly in the database. PocketBase offers a convenient web UI to do so. Simply head over to If you access the admin panel for the first time you will be asked to create an admin account. Afterwards, you can create, read, update, and delete data in the respective tables. To learn more about PocketBase you can head over to their extensive documentation.


When you are done with development and would like to build wanderer for production there are some steps to follow.


If you modified code in any of the *.go files make sure to build an updated binary with go build. In case you only edited tables via the PocketBase admin panel you don’t need to do anything. The database will be migrated automatically.


For the frontend there are no further caveats. Simply run npm run build.


To create local docker images of wanderer simply run the script below. These will work as drop-in replacements for the ones hosted on docker hub. This will only work if you have already completed the steps above.

Terminal window
# db
docker build db/ --no-cache -t flomp/wanderer-db:latest
# web
docker build web/ --no-cache -t flomp/wanderer-web:latest